
The class is very passionate about books, we therefore thought of creating a small library. Each month, we will provide 13 books for children to choose from in one dedicated space in the classroom – “La Biblioteca”. It will be our library. 

Every morning the children that would like to bring home a book, will have a dedicated time in which they can choose it. The book should be brought back to school the next day. Please help your child to remember this responsibility – place it next to the door, in their backpack, close to their shoes… choose your trick together! 

Every week (they will take turns) two children will be the librarians. They will be responsible for keeping track of the books in a special notebook.

The books will be chosen by us, always trying to offer two books on the theme of the month, two songs, three books in English, three in Italian and three in Spanish.

Please feel free to donate to our Biblioteca